har vist fundet fejlen det er denne linje
$LangUI->setLangArray( $langArray ); det forgår på
det er din sprog fil det er der i det forgår. tror du har sat den til engelsk.
gider du give os din confik skriv XXXX og XXXX ved dit brugernavn adr og kode til mysql
Husk At Besøge www.GenerationX.dk
Jeg har kun taget toppen og bunden af sprog filen da den fylder 621 linjer
# Danish Translation
$alphabet = array("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L", "M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","Æ","Ø","Å");
$langArray = array(
" with DB Schema Version "=>"med DB Skema Version",
"(Select the ingredients you wish to remove)"=>"(Vælg de ingredienser du vil slette)",
"Access Level"=>"Rettighedsniveau",
"Account Settings"=>"Konto Indstillinger",
"Add Entry"=>"Tilføj det skrevne",
"walnuts, shelled"=>"",
"wheat germ"=>"",
"while trying to convert from unit"=>"",
"wild rice"=>"",
"yeast, active dry"=>"",
jeg kom derudover til at tænke på, at der måske stod noget i config, filen der kunne bruges, så den får du også lige med
// Debuging, this is useful to turn on if you are getting a general error
global $g_rb_debug;
$g_rb_debug=FALSE; // prints out all the sql calls
// Pick the theme for the site
global $g_rb_theme,$g_rb_theme_hoverin, $g_rb_theme_hoverout;
## Directory Settings ##
global $g_sm_dir, $g_sm_url, $g_sm_adodb, $g_rb_basedir, $g_rb_baseurl,
$g_rb_basedir = "/var/www/html/dev/src/";
$g_rb_baseurl = "/dev/src/";
$g_sm_dir = $g_rb_basedir . "libs/phpsm/";
$g_sm_url = $g_rb_baseurl . "libs/phpsm/";
$g_sm_adodb = $g_rb_basedir . "libs/adodb/adodb.inc.php";
## Database Connection options ##
Select one type: mysql,postgres,oracle..
see adodb readme files for more options
global $g_rb_database_type, $g_rb_database_host, $g_rb_database_name, $g_rb_database_user, $g_rb_database_password;
$g_rb_database_type = "postgres";
// Example PostgreSQL Settings
$g_rb_database_host = "localhost:5432";
$g_rb_database_name = "webdb2";
$g_rb_database_user = "postgres";
$g_rb_database_password = "";
// Example MySQL settings
/*$g_rb_database_host = "localhost:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock";
$g_rb_database_name = "recipedb";
$g_rb_database_user = "root";
$g_rb_database_password = "";*/
## Security Options: ##
## These options will effect the login system ##
// Debuging, this is useful to turn on if you are getting a general error
global $g_sm_debug, $g_sm_session_id;
global $g_sm_open_reg, $g_sm_enable_sec, $g_sm_default_access_level,
$g_sm_autologin_user, $g_sm_autologin_passwd, $g_sm_user_privilages,
$g_sm_admin_email, $g_sm_send_crlf, $g_sm_cleanup_files,
$g_sm_superuser_level, $g_sm_access_array, $g_sm_supported_languages,
// Access Levels, do not change these unless you are familiar with the code
$g_sm_access_array = array(
"READER" => 0 ,
"AUTHOR" => 30 ,
"EDITOR" => 60 ,
// List of supported languages
$g_sm_supported_languages = array(
'en' => 'English',
'it' => 'Italian',
'fr' => 'French',
'sv' => 'Swedish',
'da' => 'Danish',
'de' => 'German',
'es' => 'Spanish',
'nl' => 'Dutch'
// If are in a country not listed, just add it here
$g_sm_supported_countries = array(
'us' => 'United States',
'fr' => 'France',
'it' => 'Italy',
'de' => 'Germany',
'sv' => 'Sweden',
'da' => 'Denmark',
$g_sm_open_reg=TRUE; // allow anyone to register as a new user
$g_sm_enable_sec=TRUE; // turn on/off the login system
$g_sm_newuser_access_level=30; // set the default security level of a user registering on their own
$g_sm_superuser_level="ADMINISTRATOR"; // The access level that denotes super users/admins
$g_sm_newuser_set_password=TRUE; // This determines if new users can set their passwords, or if it is emailed to them
$g_sm_admin_email = "manager@phprecipebook.com"; // set the system email address
$g_sm_admin_name = "PHPRecipeBook Manager"; // name of admin in emails
$g_sm_email_hosts = "mailserver.phprecipebook.com"; // set the smtp hosts to use for mailing (you could use sendmail if you wanted).
If security is disabled, then make sure the following
two settings point to a valid user with at least Author access level (Admin would be best)
$g_sm_autologin_user="admin"; // The username to automatically login as
$g_sm_autologin_passwd="passwd"; // The password to login with
global $g_rb_enable_ratings;
$g_rb_enable_ratings = TRUE; // Enable or disable the recipe ratings
## Language: ##
## this will set a default language ##
## for guests. ##
global $g_rb_language;
$g_rb_language = "da";
// this is a fall back settings, first the user's preferences and browser settings will be checked.
## Meal Planning options ##
global $g_rb_startWeekDay;
$g_rb_startWeekDay=5; // Sunday=0, Monday=1, Tuesday=2...Friday=5...
## Constants ##
global $g_rb_max_picture_size, $g_rb_project_name, $g_rb_project_version, $g_rb_project_website;
$g_rb_max_picture_size = "2000000"; // this sets the max upload size of a picture
$g_rb_project_name = "PHPRecipeBook";
$g_rb_project_version = "2.17"; // well not quite constant, but oh well.
$g_rb_project_website ="phprecipebook.sourceforge.net";
## Sequence Names, this is only ##
## important if using PostgreSQL. ##
global $g_rb_list_id_seq, $g_rb_recipe_id_seq, $g_rb_ingredient_id_seq;
$g_rb_list_id_seq = "recipe_list_id_seq";
$g_rb_recipe_id_seq = "recipe_recipe_id_seq";
$g_rb_ingredient_id_seq = "recipe_ingredient_id_seq";
$g_rb_restaurant_id_seq = "recipe_restaurant_id_seq";
## The table names ##
## You can change the table names ##
## and prefixes, if you do though ##
## make sure you change the names ##
## in the database as well ##
$db_prefix = "recipe_"; // change this to change just the prefix, useful for databases with more than one app in them
global $db_table_ethnicity,$db_table_units,$db_table_locations,$db_table_bases,$db_table_prep_time,
$db_table_related_recipes,$db_table_favorites, $db_table_ratings, $db_table_reviews;
$db_table_settings = $db_prefix . "settings";
$db_table_users = "security_users";
$db_table_ethnicity = $db_prefix . "ethnicity";
$db_table_units = $db_prefix . "units";
$db_table_locations = $db_prefix . "locations";
$db_table_bases = $db_prefix . "bases";
$db_table_prep_time = $db_prefix . "prep_time";
$db_table_courses = $db_prefix . "courses";
$db_table_difficulty = $db_prefix . "difficulty";
$db_table_ingredients = $db_prefix . "ingredients";
$db_table_ingredientmaps = $db_prefix . "ingredient_mapping";
$db_table_recipes = $db_prefix . "recipes";
$db_table_list_names = $db_prefix . "list_names";
$db_table_list_recipes = $db_prefix . "list_recipes";
$db_table_list_ingredients = $db_prefix . "list_ingredients";
$db_table_related_recipes = $db_prefix . "related_recipes";
$db_table_favorites = $db_prefix . "favorites";
$db_table_stores = $db_prefix . "stores";
$db_table_reviews = $db_prefix . "reviews";
$db_table_ratings = $db_prefix . "ratings";
$db_table_meals = $db_prefix . "meals";
$db_table_mealplans = $db_prefix . "mealplans";
$db_table_mealplan_items = $db_prefix . "mealplan_items";
$db_table_restaurants = $db_prefix . "restaurants";
$db_table_prices = $db_prefix . "prices";
global $db_fields;
Used to refer to field names without knowing their names
$db_fields = array(
$db_table_ethnicity => array( "ethnic_id", "ethnic_desc" ),
$db_table_units => array( "unit_id", "unit_desc" ),
$db_table_bases => array( "base_id", "base_desc" ),
$db_table_prep_time => array( "time_id", "time_desc" ),
$db_table_courses => array( "course_id", "course_desc" ),
$db_table_difficulty => array( "difficult_id", "difficult_desc" ),
$db_table_locations => array( "location_id", "location_desc"),
$db_table_prices => array( "price_id", "price_desc"),
$db_table_meals => array("meal_id", "meal_name")
// ---------------------------------------//