Jeg har fundet det her stykke kode på nettet som laver et galleri, ved at tage thumbnails fra en mappe og de store billeder fra en anden.
Problemet er at den "glemmer" at vise ét billede, den skriver godt nok det rigtige antal, men den mangler at vise det.
Prøv det her<pre>
<title> - Picture popup</title>
function openWin(sImg, iWidth, iHeight)
{'<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>?img=' + sImg, 'the_window', "width=" + iWidth + ",height=" + iHeight + ",resizable=yes,scrollbars=no");
.text {
font-family: Verdana;
font-size: 12px;
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" bgcolor="#155578" text="#FFFFFF" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#FFFFFF">
// PHP Image Gallery - by Charles Chadwick
// Read it, Use it, Learn from it. But don't try and take credit for it.
// If you use it, then keep this info intact.
// these are the only variables you need to set.
// the images in the $imageDir and $thumbDir folders MUST BE NAMED THE SAME.
$imageDir = "pic/"; // path to the dir that contains your images with trailing /
$thumbDir = "thumbs/"; //path to your thumbs dir with trailing /
$rowLimit = "4"; // how many rows of pictures you want per page
$colLimit = "4"; // how many columns of pictures you want per page
$openInNewWindow = "1"; // if you want the image to open in a new window, set this to 1, if not, then set it to 0
function openImage($image)
// this function is used for displaying a large image.
global $imageDir, $openInNewWindow;
global $PHP_SELF;
// this is just checking to see if we have opened the large image in a new window or the same browser window.
// it creates either a Close Window link or Back To Gallery link based on this information.
if ($openInNewWindow = 1)
$link = "<a href=\\"javascript:window.close();\\">Luk</a>";
$link = "<a href=\\"javascript:history.back();\\">Back To Gallery</a>";
echo "<table cellpadding=\\"0\\" cellspacing=\\"0\\" border=\\"0\\" align=\\"center\\">\\r";
echo "<tr>\\r<td>\\r<img src=\\"$imageDir$image\\">\\r</td>\\r</tr>\\r";
echo "<tr>\\r<td class=\\"text\\" align=\\"center\\">\\r$link</td>\\r</tr>\\r";
echo "</table>\\r";
function showThumbs($start)
global $imageDir, $thumbDir, $rowLimit, $colLimit, $openInNewWindow;
global $PHP_SELF;
// we find out what the max amount of images will be, and then create our stop and start variables
$maxImages = $rowLimit * $colLimit;
$stop = $maxImages + $start;
// incrementing our start variable so we don't have duplicate images.
echo "<table cellpadding=\\"2\\" cellspacing=\\"2\\" border=\\"0\\" align=\\"center\\">\\r";
// opening the directory and reading in the files
$dir = opendir($thumbDir);
while($file = readdir($dir))
// just to be safe, we trim the file name, then we check to see if it's a file and not a directory
$file = trim($file);
if (is_file($thumbDir.$file))
// here we makes sure that the current file being read is between our stop and start varibles
if ($iCount >= $start && $iCount <= $stop)
// here we check and see if we are at the begining of a new row. If so, we echo out a <tr> tag
if ($endOfRow == 0) { echo "<tr>\\r"; }
// if the 'large file' exists, we gather information about it, and then create a link of the thumbnail
if (file_exists($imageDir.$file))
if ($openInNewWindow = 1)
$imgSize = GetImageSize($imageDir.$file);
$link = "<a href=\\"javascript:openWin('$file', '$imgSize[0]', '".($imgSize[1] + 20)."');\\">";
$link = "<a href=\\"$PHP_SELF?img=$file&newWin=false\\">";
$thumbNail = $thumbDir.$file;
$imgSize = GetImageSize($thumbNail);
echo "<td class=\\"text\\" align=\\"center\\">$link<img src=\\"".$thumbDir.$file."\\" border=\\"0\\" $imgSize[3]></a>
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;
<script language="JavaScript">
<!-- = SymRealWinOpen;
// if the large image doesn't exist but the thumbnail does, we just echo the thumbnail without a link
echo "<td><img src=\\"".$thumbDir.$file."\\" border=\\"0\\" $imgSize[3]></td>\\r";
// incrementing our $endOfRow variable. This keeps track of which column we are currently on.
$endOfRow ++;
// if the $endOfRow is equal to the max amount of columns we want, then echo a "</tr>" tag.
if ($endOfRow == $colLimit) { $endOfRow = 0; echo "</tr>\\r"; }
// incrementing our $iCount variable, which keeps track of
// decrementing our $start variable
// setting our $back and $next variables for use in the navgation links
$back = $start - $maxImages;
$next = $stop;
// this is where we check if we are on the first page. If we are, we create no link for the $back variable
if ($start < $maxImages)
{ $back = "forrige"; }
{ $back = "<a href=\\"$PHP_SELF?start=".abs($start - $maxImages)."\\">forrige</a>"; }
// this is where we check if we are on the last page. If we are, we create no link for the $back variable
if ($stop >= $iCount)
{ $next = "næste"; }
{ $next = "<a href=\\"$PHP_SELF?start=$stop\\">næste</a>"; }
// here we are dividing the amount of images in the directory ($iCount) by the max number of images to display on the page ($maxImages)
// then we cycle through that amount and create a link out of each number. This then becomes our page numbers.
for ($i=0; $i<=(round(($iCount/$maxImages),0)); $i++)
$num = $i * $maxImages;
$curPage = $i + 1;
if ($num == $start)
$pageNums .= " $curPage ";
$pageNums .= " <a class=\\"two\\" href=\\"$PHP_SELF?start=$num\\" class=\\"two\\">$curPage</a>\\r ";
// this last if statement is for echoing out the number of images
if ($stop >= $iCount) { $stop = $iCount; }
echo "<tr><td colspan=\\"$colLimit\\" align=\\"center\\" class=\\"text\\">Now viewing $start through $stop of $iCount total images</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\\"$colLimit\\" align=\\"center\\" class=\\"text\\">$pageNums</td></tr>\\r";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\\"$colLimit\\" align=\\"center\\" class=\\"text\\">$back | <a href=\\"$PHP_SELF?start=0\\">til start</a> | $next</td></tr>\\r";
echo "</table>\\r";
// if the $img variable is set, then we know that we want to display the large image
if ($img)
// otherwise, we know we want to display the thumbs
if (!$start)
$start = "0";
Hilsen Morten[Redigeret d. 09/03-03 22:56:52 af Morten Katholm][Redigeret d. 09/03-03 22:57:42 af Morten Katholm]