Det ved jeg desværre ikke. Den OWA jeg har adgang til ligner ikke din. Men du kan jo forsøge at se, om du får samme fejlbesked, hvis du vælger en distributionsliste i stedet for en funktionspostkasse.
Jeg har været på internettet og fundet nogle andre, der havde samme problem.
Actually I was able to fix the problem myself after some trial and error. I
had to delete the rules that were in my system [..] Once I
did that, I was able to create the new rule with no errors.
fra[..] you've created to many rules. You can only have up to 32KB of rules active.
fra Outlook message is not clear enough.
What it really means is that ONE or more of your rules has this problem.
Check each of your rules to find any that have not been specified. This could be due to the fact that your may have moved Outlook folders around and effectively broken the link and rule.
fraå måske det også kan have med dine andre regler at gøre. Ellers må jeg desværre nok blive dig et svar skyldig. Håber der eventuelt er andre, der kan hjælpe.