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Der er nok kortere vej, end at skulle til at sætte sig ind i java.
Men mit umiddelbare gæt er du har fat i et klassebib, og ikke en exe fil.
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Sample Apps
The jar file contains sample main() entry points:
The first two are sample apps that demo the use of XSLT with HTML5. The first one can use SAX or DOM and requires the Xalan serializer. The second one uses XOM. Running without parameters dumps usage help.
java -cp htmlparser-1.4.jar nu.validator.htmlparser.tools.XSLT4HTML5 --template=sort-ul.xsl --input-html=test.html --output-html=out.html --mode=dom
HTML2XML converts HTML5 to XML 1.0 plus Namespaces. With no arguments, it reads from stdio and writes to stdout. With one parameter, it reads the named file and writes to stdout. With two parameters, the first is the input file name and the second is the output file name.
XML2HTML, HTML2HTML and XML2XML work analogously. The *2HTML versions produce bad output if the document tree is not serializable as HTML5. It is up to the user the make sure that it is.
Indlæg senest redigeret d. 12.11.2012 14:35 af Bruger #5789