Er i gang med en oprettelse i popup - denne del er trin 2 efter man har bekræftet pr. mail.
Så når man logger ind med sine informationer, vil man ikke kunne noget, før denne popup vindue er fuldført med udfyldes af felter og klik.
Efter klik, får man så at vide at det er fuldført, og man kan lukke vinduet og begynde at tjekke sine funktioner.
Men mit problemet er bare at når jeg vil lukke, vil den ikke reloae www.minside.dk
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- // DHTML Window Widget- By Dynamic Drive, available at: http://www.dynamicdrive.com
- // v1.0: Script created Feb 15th, 07'
- // v1.01: Feb 21th, 07' (see changelog.txt)
- // v1.02: March 26th, 07' (see changelog.txt)
- // v1.03: May 5th, 07' (see changelog.txt)
- // v1.1: Oct 29th, 07' (see changelog.txt)
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------
- var dhtmlwindow={
- imagefiles:['windowfiles/min.gif', 'windowfiles/close.gif', 'windowfiles/restore.gif', 'windowfiles/resize.gif'], //Path to 4 images used by script, in that order
- ajaxbustcache: true, //Bust caching when fetching a file via Ajax?
- ajaxloadinghtml: '<b>Henter indholdet - vent venligst ...</b>', //HTML to show while window fetches Ajax Content?
- minimizeorder: 0,
- zIndexvalue:100,
- tobjects: [], //object to contain references to dhtml window divs, for cleanup purposes
- lastactivet: {}, //reference to last active DHTML window
- init:function(t){
- var domwindow=document.createElement("div") //create dhtml window div
- domwindow.id=t
- domwindow.className="dhtmlwindow"
- var domwindowdata=''
- domwindowdata='<div class="drag-handle">'
- domwindowdata+='DHTML Window <div class="drag-controls"><img src="'+this.imagefiles[0]+'" title="Minimize" /><img src="'+this.imagefiles[1]+'" title="Close" /></div>'
- domwindowdata+='</div>'
- domwindowdata+='<div class="drag-contentarea"></div>'
- domwindowdata+='<div class="drag-statusarea"><div class="drag-resizearea" style="background: transparent url('+this.imagefiles[3]+') top right no-repeat;"> </div></div>'
- domwindowdata+='</div>'
- domwindow.innerHTML=domwindowdata
- document.getElementById("dhtmlwindowholder").appendChild(domwindow)
- //this.zIndexvalue=(this.zIndexvalue)? this.zIndexvalue+1 : 100 //z-index value for DHTML window: starts at 0, increments whenever a window has focus
- var t=document.getElementById(t)
- var divs=t.getElementsByTagName("div")
- for (var i=0; i<divs.length; i++){ //go through divs inside dhtml window and extract all those with class="drag-" prefix
- if (/drag-/.test(divs[i].className))
- t[divs[i].className.replace(/drag-/, "")]=divs[i] //take out the "drag-" prefix for shorter access by name
- }
- //t.style.zIndex=this.zIndexvalue //set z-index of this dhtml window
- t.handle._parent=t //store back reference to dhtml window
- t.resizearea._parent=t //same
- t.controls._parent=t //same
- t.onclose=function(){return true} //custom event handler "onclose"
- t.onmousedown=function(){dhtmlwindow.setfocus(this)} //Increase z-index of window when focus is on it
- t.handle.onmousedown=dhtmlwindow.setupdrag //set up drag behavior when mouse down on handle div
- t.resizearea.onmousedown=dhtmlwindow.setupdrag //set up drag behavior when mouse down on resize div
- t.controls.onclick=dhtmlwindow.enablecontrols
- t.show=function(){dhtmlwindow.show(this)} //public function for showing dhtml window
- t.hide=function(){dhtmlwindow.hide(this)} //public function for hiding dhtml window
- t.close=function(){dhtmlwindow.close(this)} //public function for closing dhtml window (also empties DHTML window content)
- t.setSize=function(w, h){dhtmlwindow.setSize(this, w, h)} //public function for setting window dimensions
- t.moveTo=function(x, y){dhtmlwindow.moveTo(this, x, y)} //public function for moving dhtml window (relative to viewpoint)
- t.isResize=function(bol){dhtmlwindow.isResize(this, bol)} //public function for specifying if window is resizable
- t.isScrolling=function(bol){dhtmlwindow.isScrolling(this, bol)} //public function for specifying if window content contains scrollbars
- t.load=function(contenttype, contentsource, title){dhtmlwindow.load(this, contenttype, contentsource, title)} //public function for loading content into window
- this.tobjects[this.tobjects.length]=t
- return t //return reference to dhtml window div
- },
- open:function(t, contenttype, contentsource, title, attr, recalonload){
- var d=dhtmlwindow //reference dhtml window object
- function getValue(Name){
- var config=new RegExp(Name+"=([^,]+)", "i") //get name/value config pair (ie: width=400px,)
- return (config.test(attr))? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : 0 //return value portion (int), or 0 (false) if none found
- }
- if (document.getElementById(t)==null) //if window doesn't exist yet, create it
- t=this.init(t) //return reference to dhtml window div
- else
- t=document.getElementById(t)
- this.setfocus(t)
- t.setSize(getValue(("width")), (getValue("height"))) //Set dimensions of window
- var xpos=getValue("center")? "middle" : getValue("left") //Get x coord of window
- var ypos=getValue("center")? "middle" : getValue("top") //Get y coord of window
- //t.moveTo(xpos, ypos) //Position window
- if (typeof recalonload!="undefined" && recalonload=="recal" && this.scroll_top==0){ //reposition window when page fully loads with updated window viewpoints?
- if (window.attachEvent && !window.opera) //In IE, add another 400 milisecs on page load (viewpoint properties may return 0 b4 then)
- this.addEvent(window, function(){setTimeout(function(){t.moveTo(xpos, ypos)}, 400)}, "load")
- else
- this.addEvent(window, function(){t.moveTo(xpos, ypos)}, "load")
- }
- t.isResize(getValue("resize")) //Set whether window is resizable
- t.isScrolling(getValue("scrolling")) //Set whether window should contain scrollbars
- t.style.visibility="visible"
- t.style.display="block"
- t.contentarea.style.display="block"
- t.moveTo(xpos, ypos) //Position window
- t.load(contenttype, contentsource, title)
- if (t.state=="minimized" && t.controls.firstChild.title=="Restore"){ //If window exists and is currently minimized?
- t.controls.firstChild.setAttribute("src", dhtmlwindow.imagefiles[0]) //Change "restore" icon within window interface to "minimize" icon
- t.controls.firstChild.setAttribute("title", "Minimize")
- t.state="fullview" //indicate the state of the window as being "fullview"
- }
- return t
- },
- setSize:function(t, w, h){ //set window size (min is 150px wide by 100px tall)
- t.style.width=Math.max(parseInt(w), 150)+"px"
- t.contentarea.style.height=Math.max(parseInt(h), 100)+"px"
- },
- moveTo:function(t, x, y){ //move window. Position includes current viewpoint of document
- this.getviewpoint() //Get current viewpoint numbers
- t.style.left=(x=="middle")? this.scroll_left+(this.docwidth-t.offsetWidth)/2+"px" : this.scroll_left+parseInt(x)+"px"
- t.style.top=(y=="middle")? this.scroll_top+(this.docheight-t.offsetHeight)/2+"px" : this.scroll_top+parseInt(y)+"px"
- },
- isResize:function(t, bol){ //show or hide resize inteface (part of the status bar)
- t.statusarea.style.display=(bol)? "block" : "none"
- t.resizeBool=(bol)? 1 : 0
- },
- isScrolling:function(t, bol){ //set whether loaded content contains scrollbars
- t.contentarea.style.overflow=(bol)? "auto" : "hidden"
- },
- load:function(t, contenttype, contentsource, title){ //loads content into window plus set its title (3 content types: "inline", "iframe", or "ajax")
- if (t.isClosed){
- alert("Prøv at åbne vinduet igen - en fejl opstod - måske du lukkede vinduet før loading!")
- return
- }
- var contenttype=contenttype.toLowerCase() //convert string to lower case
- if (typeof title!="undefined")
- t.handle.firstChild.nodeValue=title
- if (contenttype=="inline")
- t.contentarea.innerHTML=contentsource
- else if (contenttype=="div"){
- var inlinedivref=document.getElementById(contentsource)
- t.contentarea.innerHTML=(inlinedivref.defaultHTML || inlinedivref.innerHTML) //Populate window with contents of inline div on page
- if (!inlinedivref.defaultHTML)
- inlinedivref.defaultHTML=inlinedivref.innerHTML //save HTML within inline DIV
- inlinedivref.innerHTML="" //then, remove HTML within inline DIV (to prevent duplicate IDs, NAME attributes etc in contents of DHTML window
- inlinedivref.style.display="none" //hide that div
- }
- else if (contenttype=="iframe"){
- t.contentarea.style.overflow="hidden" //disable window scrollbars, as iframe already contains scrollbars
- if (!t.contentarea.firstChild || t.contentarea.firstChild.tagName!="IFRAME") //If iframe tag doesn't exist already, create it first
- t.contentarea.innerHTML='<iframe src="" style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height: 100%" name="_iframe-'+t.id+'"></iframe>'
- window.frames["_iframe-"+t.id].location.replace(contentsource) //set location of iframe window to specified URL
- }
- else if (contenttype=="ajax"){
- this.ajax_connect(contentsource, t) //populate window with external contents fetched via Ajax
- }
- t.contentarea.datatype=contenttype //store contenttype of current window for future reference
- },
- setupdrag:function(e){
- var d=dhtmlwindow //reference dhtml window object
- var t=this._parent //reference dhtml window div
- d.etarget=this //remember div mouse is currently held down on ("handle" or "resize" div)
- var e=window.event || e
- d.initmousex=e.clientX //store x position of mouse onmousedown
- d.initmousey=e.clientY
- d.initx=parseInt(t.offsetLeft) //store offset x of window div onmousedown
- d.inity=parseInt(t.offsetTop)
- d.width=parseInt(t.offsetWidth) //store width of window div
- d.contentheight=parseInt(t.contentarea.offsetHeight) //store height of window div's content div
- if (t.contentarea.datatype=="iframe"){ //if content of this window div is "iframe"
- t.style.backgroundColor="#F8F8F8" //colorize and hide content div (while window is being dragged)
- t.contentarea.style.visibility="hidden"
- }
- document.onmousemove=d.getdistance //get distance travelled by mouse as it moves
- document.onmouseup=function(){
- if (t.contentarea.datatype=="iframe"){ //restore color and visibility of content div onmouseup
- t.contentarea.style.backgroundColor="white"
- t.contentarea.style.visibility="visible"
- }
- d.stop()
- }
- return false
- },
- getdistance:function(e){
- var d=dhtmlwindow
- var etarget=d.etarget
- var e=window.event || e
- d.distancex=e.clientX-d.initmousex //horizontal distance travelled relative to starting point
- d.distancey=e.clientY-d.initmousey
- if (etarget.className=="drag-handle") //if target element is "handle" div
- d.move(etarget._parent, e)
- else if (etarget.className=="drag-resizearea") //if target element is "resize" div
- d.resize(etarget._parent, e)
- return false //cancel default dragging behavior
- },
- getviewpoint:function(){ //get window viewpoint numbers
- var ie=document.all && !window.opera
- var domclientWidth=document.documentElement && parseInt(document.documentElement.clientWidth) || 100000 //Preliminary doc width in non IE browsers
- this.standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body //create reference to common "body" across doctypes
- this.scroll_top=(ie)? this.standardbody.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset
- this.scroll_left=(ie)? this.standardbody.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset
- this.docwidth=(ie)? this.standardbody.clientWidth : (/Safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent))? window.innerWidth : Math.min(domclientWidth, window.innerWidth-16)
- this.docheight=(ie)? this.standardbody.clientHeight: window.innerHeight
- },
- rememberattrs:function(t){ //remember certain attributes of the window when it's minimized or closed, such as dimensions, position on page
- this.getviewpoint() //Get current window viewpoint numbers
- t.lastx=parseInt((t.style.left || t.offsetLeft))-dhtmlwindow.scroll_left //store last known x coord of window just before minimizing
- t.lasty=parseInt((t.style.top || t.offsetTop))-dhtmlwindow.scroll_top
- t.lastwidth=parseInt(t.style.width) //store last known width of window just before minimizing/ closing
- },
- move:function(t, e){
- t.style.left=dhtmlwindow.distancex+dhtmlwindow.initx+"px"
- t.style.top=dhtmlwindow.distancey+dhtmlwindow.inity+"px"
- },
- resize:function(t, e){
- t.style.width=Math.max(dhtmlwindow.width+dhtmlwindow.distancex, 150)+"px"
- t.contentarea.style.height=Math.max(dhtmlwindow.contentheight+dhtmlwindow.distancey, 100)+"px"
- },
- enablecontrols:function(e){
- var d=dhtmlwindow
- var sourceobj=window.event? window.event.srcElement : e.target //Get element within "handle" div mouse is currently on (the controls)
- if (/Minimize/i.test(sourceobj.getAttribute("title"))) //if this is the "minimize" control
- d.minimize(sourceobj, this._parent)
- else if (/Restore/i.test(sourceobj.getAttribute("title"))) //if this is the "restore" control
- d.restore(sourceobj, this._parent)
- else if (/Close/i.test(sourceobj.getAttribute("title"))) //if this is the "close" control
- d.close(this._parent)
- return false
- },
- minimize:function(button, t){
- dhtmlwindow.rememberattrs(t)
- button.setAttribute("src", dhtmlwindow.imagefiles[2])
- button.setAttribute("title", "Restore")
- t.state="minimized" //indicate the state of the window as being "minimized"
- t.contentarea.style.display="none"
- t.statusarea.style.display="none"
- if (typeof t.minimizeorder=="undefined"){ //stack order of minmized window on screen relative to any other minimized windows
- dhtmlwindow.minimizeorder++ //increment order
- t.minimizeorder=dhtmlwindow.minimizeorder
- }
- t.style.left="10px" //left coord of minmized window
- t.style.width="200px"
- var windowspacing=t.minimizeorder*10 //spacing (gap) between each minmized window(s)
- t.style.top=dhtmlwindow.scroll_top+dhtmlwindow.docheight-(t.handle.offsetHeight*t.minimizeorder)-windowspacing+"px"
- },
- restore:function(button, t){
- dhtmlwindow.getviewpoint()
- button.setAttribute("src", dhtmlwindow.imagefiles[0])
- button.setAttribute("title", "Minimize")
- t.state="fullview" //indicate the state of the window as being "fullview"
- t.style.display="block"
- t.contentarea.style.display="block"
- if (t.resizeBool) //if this window is resizable, enable the resize icon
- t.statusarea.style.display="block"
- t.style.left=parseInt(t.lastx)+dhtmlwindow.scroll_left+"px" //position window to last known x coord just before minimizing
- t.style.top=parseInt(t.lasty)+dhtmlwindow.scroll_top+"px"
- t.style.width=parseInt(t.lastwidth)+"px"
- },
- close:function(t){
- try{
- var closewinbol=t.onclose()
- }
- catch(err){ //In non IE browsers, all errors are caught, so just run the below
- var closewinbol=true
- }
- finally{ //In IE, not all errors are caught, so check if variable isn't defined in IE in those cases
- if (typeof closewinbol=="undefined"){
- alert("An error has occured somwhere inside your \"onclose\" event handler")
- var closewinbol=true
- }
- }
- if (closewinbol){ //if custom event handler function returns true
- if (t.state!="minimized") //if this window isn't currently minimized
- dhtmlwindow.rememberattrs(t) //remember window's dimensions/position on the page before closing
- if (window.frames["_iframe-"+t.id]) //if this is an IFRAME DHTML window
- window.frames["_iframe-"+t.id].location.replace("about:blank")
- else
- t.contentarea.innerHTML=""
- t.style.display="none"
- t.isClosed=true //tell script this window is closed (for detection in t.show())
- }
- return closewinbol
- },
- setopacity:function(targetobject, value){ //Sets the opacity of targetobject based on the passed in value setting (0 to 1 and in between)
- if (!targetobject)
- return
- if (targetobject.filters && targetobject.filters[0]){ //IE syntax
- if (typeof targetobject.filters[0].opacity=="number") //IE6
- targetobject.filters[0].opacity=value*100
- else //IE 5.5
- targetobject.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+value*100+")"
- }
- else if (typeof targetobject.style.MozOpacity!="undefined") //Old Mozilla syntax
- targetobject.style.MozOpacity=value
- else if (typeof targetobject.style.opacity!="undefined") //Standard opacity syntax
- targetobject.style.opacity=value
- },
- setfocus:function(t){ //Sets focus to the currently active window
- this.zIndexvalue++
- t.style.zIndex=this.zIndexvalue
- t.isClosed=false //tell script this window isn't closed (for detection in t.show())
- this.setopacity(this.lastactivet.handle, 0.5) //unfocus last active window
- this.setopacity(t.handle, 1) //focus currently active window
- this.lastactivet=t //remember last active window
- },
- show:function(t){
- if (t.isClosed){
- alert("Vinduet er blevet lukket - indholdet kan ikke vises!")
- return
- }
- if (t.lastx) //If there exists previously stored information such as last x position on window attributes (meaning it's been minimized or closed)
- dhtmlwindow.restore(t.controls.firstChild, t) //restore the window using that info
- else
- t.style.display="block"
- this.setfocus(t)
- t.state="fullview" //indicate the state of the window as being "fullview"
- },
- hide:function(t){
- t.style.display="none"
- },
- ajax_connect:function(url, t){
- var page_request = false
- var bustcacheparameter=""
- if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, IE7, Safari etc
- page_request = new XMLHttpRequest()
- else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE6 or below
- try {
- page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
- }
- catch (e){
- try{
- page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
- }
- catch (e){}
- }
- }
- else
- return false
- t.contentarea.innerHTML=this.ajaxloadinghtml
- page_request.onreadystatechange=function(){dhtmlwindow.ajax_loadpage(page_request, t)}
- if (this.ajaxbustcache) //if bust caching of external page
- bustcacheparameter=(url.indexOf("?")!=-1)? "&"+new Date().getTime() : "?"+new Date().getTime()
- page_request.open('GET', url+bustcacheparameter, true)
- page_request.send(null)
- },
- ajax_loadpage:function(page_request, t){
- if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)){
- t.contentarea.innerHTML=page_request.responseText
- }
- },
- stop:function(){
- dhtmlwindow.etarget=null //clean up
- document.onmousemove=null
- document.onmouseup=null
- },
- addEvent:function(target, functionref, tasktype){ //assign a function to execute to an event handler (ie: onunload)
- var tasktype=(window.addEventListener)? tasktype : "on"+tasktype
- if (target.addEventListener)
- target.addEventListener(tasktype, functionref, false)
- else if (target.attachEvent)
- target.attachEvent(tasktype, functionref)
- },
- cleanup:function(){
- for (var i=0; i<dhtmlwindow.tobjects.length; i++){
- dhtmlwindow.tobjects[i].handle._parent=dhtmlwindow.tobjects[i].resizearea._parent=dhtmlwindow.tobjects[i].controls._parent=null
- }
- window.onload=null
- }
- } //End dhtmlwindow object
- document.write('<div id="dhtmlwindowholder"><span style="display:none">.</span></div>') //container that holds all dhtml window divs on page
- window.onunload=dhtmlwindow.cleanup
Sat ind i popop vinduet.
<a href='#' onClick=\"parent.parent.dhtmlwindow.close();\">Opdater mit panel nu</a>
(selv lavet, ikke sikkert det overhovedet er korrekt fanget).
//Som er lagt ind i index.php <head></head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="windowfiles/dhtmlwindow.js"></script>
Denne funktion som popper op for ikke fuldførte brugere.
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var googlewin=dhtmlwindow.open("googlebox", "iframe", "Trin2.php", "*EB* | konto mangler oplysninger.", "width=590px,height=350px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
- googlewin.onclose=function(){
- return window.confirm("Din konto er ikke aktiv før disse felter er udfyldt og opdateret!")
- }
- </script>
Nu mangler jeg blot man kan lukke vinduet, der er dog luk i højre top-hjørne. Men skal jo have reloaded hoved siden efter lukning.
Kan i hjælpe ?

Prøvet sådan her:
<script type="text/javascript">
var googlewin=dhtmlwindow.open("googlebox", "iframe", "Trin2.php", "*EB* | konto mangler oplysninger.", "width=590px,height=350px,resize=1,scrolling=1,center=1", "recal")
parent.parent.window.location = "http://side.dk/";
return window.confirm("Din konto er ikke aktiv før disse felter er udfyldt og opdateret!")
Men popup windows.confirm lukker før ok klik. Da parent.windows.location er på.
Hvad gør man så. for det reloader jo siden som det skal, men godt nok med confirm. vil jeg jo gerne have med.
Indlæg senest redigeret d. 15.03.2012 11:40 af Bruger #17118