Hej igen
Jeg vil sådan set bare have den til at sende en mail til en given email.
Det med at lave noget i MySql er ligesom ikke det vigtigste.
Her er hele koden ;
Jeg kan se at der nederst bliver brugt noget sendmail. Er det rigtigt konfigureret !?
* CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder: Form Results Handler
* This file is in charge of handling the form results
* posted from the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder SWF.
* It has several primary functions:
* - Assure that the user is running the proper version of
* PHP and has properly configured their server for
* CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder by uploading the provided
* files and assigning the appropriate server settings
* and permissions.
* - Upload a file if the '$_FILES['Filedata']' variable is
* populated
* - If the '$_POST' superglobal array has been populated,
* process the form by:
* - Reading the config file provided in the '$_POST['xmlfile']'
* variable.
* - Saving the form data to a file if the 'CC_FB_SAVE_FILE' constant
* has been populated.
* - Saving the form data to the database provided in 'CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS'
* if the 'CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS' constant is populated.
* - Emailing the form data to the form owner via the address provided
* in the '$_POST['_ALT_EMAIL']' variable or the '$_POST['mailto']'
* variable if the '$_POST['_ALT_EMAIL']' variable is not populated.
* - Emailing the form data to the form user via the address provided in
* the '$_POST['eM']' variable if the '$_POST['eM']' variable has been
* populated and the 'emailuser' config option is set to 'true'.
* - Taking the form user to the landing page provided in the
* '$_POST['thankyoupage']' variable or to a default landing page
* if the '$_POST['thankyoupage']' is empty.
* - Prints out an informational page with version numbers and release
* dates if an error occurs or if this script is called without
* the '$_POST' superglobal or the '$_FILES['Filedata']' variables
* being set.
* @license
http://www.coffeecup.com/legal/eula.html * @author Jeff Welch <jw@coffeecup.com>
* @version 4.0
* @package CC_FB
// Error reporting should be disabled in favor of
// our customer error messages.
* The version of CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder that
* generated this script.
define('CC_FB_VERSION', '8.0');
* The release date of the version of CoffeeCup Flash Form
* Builder that generated this script.
define('CC_FB_LAST_UPDATED', '02/09/2010');
* The version of this script.
define('CC_FB_SCRIPT_VERSION', '5.1');
* The release date of this script.
define('CC_FB_SCRIPT_LAST_UPDATED', '02/09/2010');
* Will the owner of this form be emailed the
* form data
* To default To address.
define('CC_FB_TO_EMAIL', 'abp@mailme.dk');
* The default CC address.
define('CC_FB_CC_EMAIL', '');
* The default BCC address.
define('CC_FB_BCC_EMAIL', '');
* The message to send to the form owner
define('CC_FB_OWNER_MESSAGE', '[My Drop-Down 1]');
* If we should send a message back to the user.
define('CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY', false);
* The subject of the message to be sent to the user.
* If we should include the form results
* in the message we send to the user.
* The position of the auto-reply message
* in the email.
define('CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY_POSITION', 'bottom');
* The page to redirect to after the form is submitted.
http://www.struer-skolehjem.dk'); /**
* The address of the database where the form results
* will be saved.
define('CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS', ' ');
* The port number of the database where the form results
* will be saved.
define('CC_FB_DB_PORT', '3306');
* The username for the database where the form results
* will be saved.
define('CC_FB_DB_USERNAME', '');
* The password for the database where the form results
* will be saved.
define('CC_FB_DB_PASSWORD', '');
* The name of the database where the form results
* will be saved.
define('CC_FB_DB_NAME', '');
* The name of the database table where the form results
* will be saved.
define('CC_FB_DB_TABLE', 'form_results');
* The file to log the form results to if necessary.
define('CC_FB_SAVE_FILE', '[FILENAME]');
* The filetypes that are acceptable for file uploads.
define('CC_FB_ACCEPTABLE_FILE_TYPES', 'txt|gif|jpg|jpeg|zip|doc|png|pdf|rtf|html|docx|xslx');
* The directory where files are uploaded
define('CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY', 'files');
* The extension that gets added to file uploads
define('CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION', '_fbu');
* Will we save the file uploads to the server
* Will we save the file uploads to the db
* Will we send the file upload as an attachment
* Sendmail Message EOL's
// Makes sure that the user is using the required version
// of PHP as specified by {@link CC_FB_PHP_VERSION}.
if(!version_compare(PHP_VERSION, CC_FB_PHP_VERSION, '>='))
printMessage('Invalid PHP Version',
"We're sorry but CoffeeCup Form Builder requires PHP version " .
CC_FB_PHP_VERSION . ' or greater. Please contact your server ' .
// Strip slashes if the server has magic quotes enabled.
$_POST = array_map("stripslashes", $_POST);
// John will need to fix this in the swf file.
foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
$_POST[str_replace('_', ' ', $key)] = $value;
// Let's sanitize some header fields before it gets us in any trouble.
foreach(array('eM','_ALT_EMAIL','subject') as $key)
$_POST[$key] = headerEscape($_POST[$key]);
// Let's make sure no one is trying to do anything funky with filenames.
$_POST['Uploaded_File'] = filenameEscape($_POST['Uploaded_File']);
$_FILES['Filedata']['name'] = filenameEscape($_FILES['Filedata']['name']);
// If the '$_FILES['Filedata']' is populated, process the
// file upload.
// If the '$_POST' superglobal array is populated,
// process the form results.
elseif(is_array($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0)
// If all else fails, print out a blank page with version
// numbers and release dates.
* Process the mail form results.
* This method is in charge of processing the mail form which
* is posted from the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder SWF. This
* process includes:
* - Retrieving the preferences from the included CoffeeCup Flash
* Form Builder XML preferences file.
* - Formats output for file output as well as for an email to
* the form user and the form owner as necesarry.
* - Writes output to a file and sends it to the form user and
* the form owner as necessary.
* - Writes form results to a database if necesarry.
function processMailForm()
$preferences = getPreferences();
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $key => $value)
if(trim($_POST[$key]) != '')
$owner_email_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}\n\n";
$txt_file .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}|";
// Make sure we aren't displaying hidden fields
// to end-users
if($value['type'] != 'hiddenfield')
$user_email_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}\n\n";
$form_response .= "$key: {$_POST[$key]}<br/>\n";
// If a file was uploaded, add the appropriate data to the response
// fields
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != "")
$owner_email_response .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}";
$user_email_response .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}";
$form_response .= " Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}" .
$txt_file .= "Uploaded File: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}|";
sendResponseEmails($owner_email_response, $user_email_response,
// Make sure we delete the file from the server if the user doesn't
// want it
if(!CC_FB_ATTACHMENT_SAVETOSERVER && $_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
@unlink(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}");
printResponsePage($form_response, $preferences);
* Send response emails to the appropriate recipients.
* Sends an email to the scripts owner as well as the end-user
* if appropriate. If the sending of mail fails, an error
* message will be printed out to the screen.
* @param string $owner_email_response the message to mail to the owner.
* @param string $user_email_response the message to mail to the user.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function sendResponseEmails($owner_email_response, $user_email_response,
// If the program is unregistered, add the unregistered message.
$unreg = "------------------------\n" .
"This Form was sent to you using CoffeeCup Form Builder." .
"\nPlease tell a friend about us: " .
// Set up the CC field if necessary
if(CC_FB_CC_EMAIL != '')
// Set up the BCC field if necessary
if(CC_FB_BCC_EMAIL != '')
// Use the alternative email if one is provided
$mail_to = ($_POST['_ALT_EMAIL'] != '' ? $_POST['_ALT_EMAIL'] :
// Set a default subject if one is not provided
$subject = ($_POST['subject'] != '' ? parseMessage($_POST['subject'], $preferences) :
'Form Submission');
// Set up the default mail headers
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL;
// Set up the default owner message if on is not provided
$form_owner_msg =
'Here is the information submitted to ' .
"{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} on " . date("l, F dS, Y \a\\t g:i a") .
$form_owner_msg = parseMessage(CC_FB_OWNER_MESSAGE, $preferences);
// Add the uploaded file as an attachment if the user has
// request we do so
if(CC_FB_ATTACHMENT_ADDTOEMAIL && $_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
if(!($contents =
file_get_contents(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY .
printMessage('Unable To Open Attachment File',"We're sorry but " .
'we were unable to open your uploaded file to attatch it for ' .
'email. Please be sure that you have the proper permissions.');
$attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
// Setup the unique mime boundary
$mime_boundary = md5(time());
// Set up the form owner mail headers
$form_owner_headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; ' .
"boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"" .
// Set up the new form owner message
$form_owner_msg =
"--$mime_boundary" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit' .
$form_owner_msg .
"--$mime_boundary" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream ' .
"name=\"{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}\"" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Content-Description: {$_POST['Uploaded_File']}" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment; " .
"filename=\"{$_POST['Uploaded_File']}\"" .
"--$mime_boundary--" .
$form_owner_headers = $headers;
// If we collected the end-user's email
// Get all the headers without the From: portion
// so that we can do something fancy if the first
// attempt to send the message fails
$headers_without_from =
"Reply-To: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Return-Path: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"$cc$bcc" .
'Message-ID: <' . time() . "-{$_POST['eM']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
// Send a message to the form's owner with the end-user's email
// as the reply-to address.
!(mail($mail_to,$subject, $form_owner_msg,
"From: {$_POST['eM']}" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
$headers_without_from)) &&
!(mail($mail_to,$subject, $form_owner_msg,
'From: CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder ' .
"<formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
printMessage('Unable To Send E-Mail',
"We're sorry but we were unable to send your e-mail. " .
'If you are sure that you entered all your email ' .
'addresses properly, you should contact your server ' .
// If necesarry, send a message to the end-user as well.
$form_user_msg = parseMessage('', $preferences);
$form_user_subject = parseMessage(CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY_SUBJECT, $preferences);
$form_user_msg = CC_FB_AUTO_REPLY_POSITION == 'top' ?
"$form_user_msg\n\n$user_email_response" :
// Get all the headers without the From: portion
// so that we can do something fancy if the first
// attempt to send the message fails
$headers_without_from =
"Reply-To: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"Return-Path: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'Message-ID: <' . time() . "-$mail_to>" .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"From: $mail_to" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
$headers_without_from) ||
"From: {$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']} Form " .
// Send a message to the form's owner.
elseif(CC_FB_DO_EMAIL && !(mail($mail_to,$subject,
'From: CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder ' .
"<formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
"$cc$bcc" .
'Message-ID: <' . time() .
"-formbuilder@{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}>" . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
'X-Mailer: PHP v' . phpversion() . CC_FB_SENDMAIL_EOL .
printMessage('Unable To Send E-Mail',
"We're sorry but we were unable to send your e-mail. " .
'If you are sure that you entered all your email ' .
'addresses properly, you should contact your server ' .
* Parses owner-defined email message
* Loops through posted form values and replaces all form
* elements in the $message with their corresponding values.
* @param string $message an owner-defined email message
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function parseMessage($message, $preferences)
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $key => $value)
$message = str_replace('[' . $key . ']', $_POST[$key], $message);
return $message;
* Gets the real name of the file that was uploaded.
* Since the file upload occurs in a different request,
* this method helps us resolve what the name of the
* uploaded file was in case it was renamed.
function fixUploadedFileName()
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
$extension = substr($_POST['Uploaded_File'],
strrpos($_POST['Uploaded_File'], '.'));
$basename = basename($_POST['Uploaded_File'], $extension);
while(file_exists(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename".
CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION . "$i$extension"))
$new_upload_name = "$basename". CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION .
$_POST['Uploaded_File'] = $new_upload_name;
* Write form response to a database.
* Writes the form response to the database specified at 'CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS'
* if appropriate. If the database doesn't it exist, the CC_FB_DB_TABLE
* table doesn't exist or if the CC_FB_DB_TABLE table doesn't comply with
* the structure of the current form then the database will be restructured
* accordingly.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function writeResponseToDatabase($preferences)
// If the CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS constant has been populated, then
// the user wants to write their data to a database.
// First and foremost, lets make sure they have the mysql extension
// loaded.
printMessage('Unable to use MySQL',
"We're sorry but you must have the MySQL extensions loaded " .
'in your PHP configuration in order to save your form '.
'results to a MySQL database. Please contact your ' .
'server administrator.');
// Secondly, lets make sure we can connect to their database.
elseif(!($link =
mysql_connect(CC_FB_DB_ADDRESS . ':' . CC_FB_DB_PORT,
printMessage('Unable to Connect to Database Server.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to connect to your database " .
'server. Please be sure you have entered your database ' .
'settings correctly.');
// Ensure that the connection is utf8 encoded
@mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $link);
// If we can't select their DB, lets try to create our own.
if(!mysql_select_db(CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
if(!mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE ' . CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
printMessage('Unable to Create Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to create your database. " .
'If you believe the database already exists, please ' .
'be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'select it. Otherwise, please be sure that you ' .
'have permissions to create databases. If you ' .
'are still experiencing troubles, please contact ' .
'your server administrator.');
elseif(!mysql_select_db(CC_FB_DB_NAME, $link))
printMessage('Unable to select Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to select your database. " .
'Please be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'select it. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
// If a form_results table exists, make sure it is in the
// proper format.
if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
"'", $link)) != 0)
if(!($results = mysql_query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
'`', $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Query Database.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to query your database " .
'table. Please be sure that you have the proper ' .
'permissions to select from the ' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
' table. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results))
if($row['Field'] != 'id' && $row['Field'] != 'created_at')
$columns[$row['Field']] = $row;
createTableFromFormFields($preferences['form_fields'], $link);
// Otherwise create the CC_FB_DB_TABLE table in the proper format.
createTableFromFormFields($preferences['form_fields'], $link);
// If all went well, lets attempt to write the form results to
// the database.
foreach($preferences['form_fields'] as $field_name => $field)
$query .= "`$field_name` = " .
mysqlEscape($_POST[$field_name], $link) . ',';
// Add the uploaded file to the query if necessary
if($_POST['Uploaded_File'] != '')
if(!($contents =
file_get_contents(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY .
printMessage('Unable To Open Attachment File',"We're sorry " .
'but we were unable to open your uploaded file to ' .
'attach it for email. Please be sure that you have the ' .
'proper permissions.');
$query .= '`uploaded_file_name` = ' .
mysqlEscape($_POST['Uploaded_File'], $link) . ',' .
'`uploaded_file` = ' . mysqlEscape($contents, $link) .
$query .= "`uploaded_file_name` = '',`uploaded_file` = '',";
if(!mysql_query('INSERT INTO `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . '` SET ' .
$query . "`created_at` = NOW()", $link))
printMessage('Unable to Insert Into Database Table.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to insert the form results " .
'into your database table. Please be sure that you have ' .
'the proper permissions to insert data into the ' .
CC_FB_DB_TABLE . ' table. If you are still experiencing ' .
'trouble, please contact your server administrator.');
* Archives an old `CC_FB_DB_TABLE` table.
* Renames a form results table to CC_FB_DB_TABLE_old or
* CC_FB_DB_TABLE_old with a numerical value on the end of it
* if appropriate.
* @param resource $link a database resource
function archiveOldTable($link)
while(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE .
"_old$i'", $link)) != 0)
if(!(mysql_query("RENAME TABLE `" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "` TO `" .
CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "_old$i`", $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Rename Database Table.',
"We're sorry but we were unable to rename your database " .
'table. Please be sure that you have the proper ' .
'permissions to rename the ' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . ' table' .
'. If you are still experiencing trouble, please contact your ' .
'server administrator.');
* Escapes a value for MySQL.
* Prepares a value to be used safely in a MySQL query. If the value is
* numeric, it is returned. If the value is a string, it is quoted and
* escaped using the mysql_real_escape_string function.
* @param mixed $value the value to be escaped
* @param resource $link a database resource
* @return mixed $value the escaped value
function mysqlEscape($value, $link)
return ("'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value, $link) . "'");
* Escapes a header value.
* Prepares a value to be used safely in an email header.
* @param mixed $value the value to be escaped
* @return mixed $value the escaped value
function headerEscape($value)
return preg_replace("/(\n|\r|%0A|%0D)/i", '', $value);
* Escapes a filename value.
* Prepares a filename to be used without the need to worry
* about directory traversal exploits.
* @param mixed $value the value to be escaped
* @return mixed $value the escaped value
function filenameEscape($value)
return preg_replace('/[^\w\d\.]+/', '', $value);
* Checks if the columns from a table match the the structure
* of the fields from a form.
* @param array $form_fields the structure from the form
* @param array $table_fields the structure from the table
* @return boolean $value, true if the structures are the same,
* false if the structures are not.
function formFieldsEqualsTableFields($form_fields, $table_fields)
// Make sure we have the proper fields for saving uploaded
// files to the database if the user has requested we do so
if(array_key_exists('uploaded_file', $table_fields) &&
array_key_exists('uploaded_file_name', $table_fields))
return false;
if(count($form_fields) != count($table_fields))
return false;
foreach($form_fields as $field_name => $field)
if(!is_array($table_fields[$field_name]) ||
!(($field['type'] == 'textarea' &&
$table_fields[$field_name]['Type'] == 'text') ||
$table_fields[$field_name]['Type'] == 'varchar(255)'))
return false;
return true;
* Create a MySQL table from the form structure.
* Uses the structure of the form, pulled from the XML preferences
* file to create a database table to store the form results.
* @param resource $form_fields the structure of the form
* @param resource $link a database resource
function createTableFromFormFields($form_fields, $link)
mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `" . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . "`", $link);
$query = 'CREATE TABLE `' . CC_FB_DB_TABLE . '` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`created_at` DATETIME NOT NULL';
$query .= ",`uploaded_file_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
,`uploaded_file` MEDIUMBLOB NOT NULL";
foreach($form_fields as $field_name => $field)
$query .= ",\n `$field_name` " .
($field['type'] == 'textarea' ? 'text' : 'varchar(255)') .
if(!(mysql_query("$query, PRIMARY KEY(`id`))", $link)))
printMessage('Unable to Create Table.', "We're sorry but we were " .
'unable to create a database table for your form results. ' .
'Please be sure that you have the proper permissions to ' .
'create tables. If you are still experiencing trouble, ' .
'please contact your server administrator.');
* Write form response to a log file.
* Writes the form response to the log file specified at 'CC_FB_SAVE_FILE'
* if appropriate. If the file writing fails, an error message will be
* printed out to the screen.
* @param string $txt_file the response to write to the log file.
function writeResponseToFile($txt_file)
$txt_file = "{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}|" .
date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "|{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}|$txt_file\n";
// If a log file location has been set
if($handle = fopen(CC_FB_SAVE_FILE, 'a'))
if(fwrite($handle, $txt_file) === false)
printMessage('Unable To Write To File',
"We're sorry but we were unable to write to ".CC_FB_SAVE_FILE.
'. Please contact your server administrator to be sure ' .
'that you have the proper permissions.');
printMessage('Unable To Open File',
"We're sorry but we were unable to open " . CC_FB_SAVE_FILE .
'. Please contact your server administrator to be sure ' .
'that you have the proper permissions.');
* Prints the HTML-formatted, form response page for the end-user.
* Writes the form response to an HTML-formatted page for the end-user
* or redirects the user to a thank you page if specified.
* @param string $form_response the response to write to the page.
* @param array $preferences the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
function printResponsePage($form_response, $preferences)
// Redirect to a thank you page if the user has created one.
die(header('Location: ' . CC_FB_RESULTS_REDIRECT));
// Otherwise create a thank you page.
$results_msg = '[RESULTSMSG]';
die(str_replace('$form_results', $form_response,
* Returns the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder Preferences.
* Opens the CoffeeeCup Flash Form Builder XML preferences file
* and retrieves the preferences and form fields from it. If
* the preferences file is not found or can not be opened, an
* error message is printed to the screen.
* @return array $preferences an array of preferences specified
* in the CoffeeCup Flash Form Builder XML preferences file.
function getPreferences()
if(!($contents = file_get_contents($_POST['xmlfile'])))
printMessage('Unable To Open XML File',"We're sorry but we were " .
'unable to locate your XML file. Please be sure that the \'' .
"{$_POST['xmlfile']}' is on your server in the same directory " .
'as your other form builder files.');
// Strips out all the XML nodes from the preferences file.
preg_match_all('/<([a-z]+?)\s+(.*?)>/is', $contents, $nodes);
foreach($nodes[1] as $node_key => $node_value)
// Skip over item, hidden, button and label nodes, as we're not
// interested in them.
if($node_value != 'item' && $node_value != 'hidden' &&
$node_value != 'submitbutton' && $node_value != 'browsebutton' &&
$node_value != 'label' && $node_value != 'resetbutton')
$node_array = array();
// For each node, we will strip out all of the attributes
$nodes[2][$node_key], $attributes);
foreach($attributes[2] as $attribute_key => $attribute_value)
$node_array[$attributes[1][$attribute_key]] =
// If the node has an attribute called 'name', it is a form field.
$name = $node_array['name'] . ($node_array['label'] != '' ?
" - {$node_array['label']}" : '');
$preferences['form_fields'][$name] = $node_array;
$preferences['form_fields'][$name]['type'] = $node_value;
// If the node type is 'form', it is the form preferences
elseif($node_value == 'form')
$preferences['form_preferences'] = $node_array;
// otherwise just dump everything into a general array depending
// on its node type.
$preferences[$node_value][] = $node_array;
return $preferences;
* Uploads a user-submitted file.
* Attempts to upload a user-submitted file specified in
* '$_FILES['Filedata']' to the 'CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY' directory. If the
* file already exists, append a numeric value to the end of
* the file name.
function processFileUpload()
printMessage('File Uploads Disabled',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file because " .
'your do not have file uploads enabled. Please contact' .
'your server administrator.');
// Make sure we have a directory to store the file uploads
printMessage('Directory Creation Failed',
"We're sorry but we were unable to create a directory for " .
'your file uploads. Please contact your server administrator.');
// Make sure the file upload is of an acceptable file type
printMessage('Invalid File Type',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file because " .
'the file type is not acceptable.');
// Seperate the file's basename and extension so that
// we can append numeric values on the end of the basename
// if the file already exists.
$extension = substr($_FILES['Filedata']['name'],
strrpos($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], '.'));
$basename = basename($_FILES['Filedata']['name'], $extension);
// Append number values on the end of the file name
// if the file already exists
while(file_exists(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename" .
CC_FB_UPLOADS_EXTENSION . "$i$extension"))
printMessage('File Upload Failed',
"We're sorry but we were unable to upload your file. Please " .
'contact your server administrator.');
chmod(CC_FB_UPLOADS_DIRECTORY . "/$basename$i$extension", 0644);
* Prints a message to the screen.
* Prints an HTML-formatted message to the screen that also contains
* the current PHP version number the server is running, the current
* version number and release date of this script as well as the
* current version number and release date of the version of CoffeeCup
* Flash Form Builder that generated this script.
* NOTE: This function stops execution of the script.
* @param string $title the title of the page
* @param string $message the message to print to the screen
function printMessage($title = null, $message = null)
// If the user has provided a title, format it for HTML
if($title !== null)
$title = htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES);
$page_title = "$title - ";
$title = "<h1>$title</h1>";
// If the user has provided a message, formit it for HTML
if($message !== null)
$message = '<p>' . htmlentities($message, ENT_QUOTES) . '</p>';
die( <<<EOHTML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>{$page_title}CoffeeCup Form Builder</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
<style type="text/css">
border-top: 1px solid #666;
font-size: .85em;
<div id="script_info">
PHP Version:
Sendmail Path: ' . ini_get('sendmail_path') . '<br />
Sendmail From: ' . ini_get('sendmail_from') . '<br />
SMTP: ' . ini_get('SMTP') . '<br />
SMTP Port: ' . ini_get('smtp_port') . '
MySQL: ' . (extension_loaded('mysql') ? 'Installed' : 'Not Installed') . '
File Uploads: ' . (ini_get('file_uploads') ? 'On' : 'Off') . '<br />
File Uploads Max Size: ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '<br />
Post Max Size: ' . ini_get('post_max_size') . '</p>
Software Version: ' . CC_FB_VERSION . '<br />
Software Last Updated: ' . CC_FB_LAST_UPDATED . '
Script Version: ' . CC_FB_SCRIPT_VERSION . '<br />
Script Last Updated: ' . CC_FB_SCRIPT_LAST_UPDATED . '
</p>' .