Okay mit scrit giver dette error:
The following SMTP Error: Data not accepted.(Email)
Alt virkede med samme info dagen før.
Og alle andre mails på den smtp server virker fint Med en mail client så det er php scripted der laver error.
Php script:
$subjectss = "xxxxx - Member";
$messagess = "<b>
Dear ". $firstname ." ". $lastname ."<br>
We have recieved your order, and we will process it as soon as possible. This will take under 24 hours.<br>
Here is the login information for your account on our website. You can use this account to view your invoices and get access to your gameserver controlpanel<br>
Username: ". $username ."<br>
Password: ". $password ."<br>
Before you will be able to use your account, please activate it at the following link below:<br>
http://www.xxxxxxxx.eu/activate.php?id=". $id ."<br>
Your order information<br>
Game: ". $game ."<br>
Tickrate: ". $tickrate ."<br>
Slots: ". $players ."<br>
Duration: ". $month ."<br>
You will recieve another email when your server is ready for use<br>
Dont hesitate to contact us for any questions!<br>
If you didnt place this order, please inform us!<br>
Best regards<br>
$toss = $email;
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->Host = "mail.xxxxxx.dk";
/*$mail->SMTPDebug = "2";*/
$mail->SMTPAuth = false;
$mail->Username = "support@xxxxxxxx.eu"; // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "xxxxxxx"; // SMTP password
$mail->From = "support@xxxxxxx.eu";
$mail->FromName = "support@xxxxxxx.eu";
$mail->AddReplyTo('support@xxxxxxx.eu', 'Support');
$mail->AddAddress("". $toss ."", "Support");
$mail->Subject = "". $subjectss ."";
$mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test
$mail->Body = "". $messagess ."";
$mail->WordWrap = 50;
if(!$mail->Send()) {
echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
echo $button;
echo "<p style='Georgia; color:white; font-size:16px'>";
echo "<br/>Server added in query - Now only thing you need to do is to pay.";
echo "Also check mail for account info and sale info!<br>";
echo "</p>";
Håber i kan hjælper her inde :-)