<tr><td><p style='Georgia; color:white; font-size:12px'>Select Game - </td><td><select name="game"> <option value="cs">Counter-Strike</option> <option value="cz">Condition-Zero</option> <option value="css">Counter-Strike Source</option> <option value="l4d">Left 4 Dead</option> </select></td></tr><br /> <tr><td>Tickrate - </td><td><select name="tick"> <?php if($_POST['game'] == "cs"){ echo "<option value='0.75'>66</option>"; echo "<option value='1'>100</option>"; }elseif($_POST['game'] == "cz"){ echo "<option value='0.75'>66</option>"; echo "<option value='1'>100</option>"; }elseif($_POST['game'] == "css"){ echo "<option value='0.75'>66</option>"; echo "<option value='1'>100</option>"; }elseif($_POST['game'] == "l4d"){ echo "<option value='1.50'>33</option>"; } ?> </select></td></tr><br />
<? # Copyright @ realchamp.dk. # GPL 2.0 licens. include("index.html"); $Players = $_POST['PlayerInput']; $MaxRate = $_POST['MaxInput']; $bw = true; if($_POST['Games'] == 'css100') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 64) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 17.5; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Counter-Strike Source does not support more than 64slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } else if($_POST['Games'] == 'css66') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 64) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 11.3; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Counter-Strike Source does not support more than 64slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } else if($_POST['Games'] == 'css33') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 64) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 6.15; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Counter-Strike Source does not support more than 64slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } else if($_POST['Games'] == 'tf266') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 32) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 21.15; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Team Fortress 2 does not support more than 32slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } else if($_POST['Games'] == 'tf233') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 32) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 13.3; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Team Fortress 2 does not support more than 32slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } else if($_POST['Games'] == 'dods66') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 32) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 19.7; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Day of Defeat: Source does not support more than 32slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } else if($_POST['Games'] == 'dods33') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 32) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 12.9; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Day of Defeat: Source does not support more than 32slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } else if($_POST['Games'] == 'l4d') { if($_POST['PlayerInput'] <= 10) { $secondsPerMonth = 31 * 24 * 60 * 60; $traficPerSecond = $Players * 15.3; $traficPerMonth = $traficPerSecond * $secondsPerMonth; $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes = $traficPerSecond / 1024 / 1024 * $secondsPerMonth; $BpsB = $Players * $MaxRate; $upload_speed = $BpsB * 8 / 1000000; } else { echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"red\">Left 4 Dead does not support more than 10slots. </font>"; echo "You've choosen "; echo $Players; echo "."; echo "<br>"; $bw = false; } } if($bw == true) { echo "<br\>"; echo "<br\>"; echo "<br\>"; echo "<br\>"; echo "<font color=\"green\">Your server will be using approximately:</font>"; echo "<font color=\"grey\"> $traficPerMonthInGigaBytes</font>"; echo "<font color=\"red\"> GB traffic each month.</font>"; echo "<br>"; echo "<font color=\"blue\">New!</font> "; echo " You will need atleast amount of upload in Mbps: "; echo $upload_speed; echo "Mbps."; } elseif($bw == false) { echo "Please enter a valid amount of players!"; } ?>