Jeg har brug for at lave et redirect i ASP, Jeg
skal have 2 x subdomæner til at "hoppe" over i en under mappe, jeg har prøver dette script :
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
' Set up your variables
Dim sURL, sPath
' Get the domain name typed in the brows
' er.
sURL = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")
' Get the rest of the path after the dom
' ain name.
sPath = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO")
' Based on the domain name, redirect the
' user
' to the correct directory and attach th
' e rest
' of the path.
Select Case sURL
Case "www.maindomain.com", "maindomain.com"
' Ignore...this is the current site.
Case "www.domain2.com", "domain2.com"
' redirect To the "domain2" directory
Response.Redirect "domain2" & sPath
Case "www.domain2.net", "domain2.net"
' redirect to the "domain2net" directory
Response.Redirect "domain2net" & sPath
End Select
Måske udfylder jeg scriptet forkert, er der en der kan guide mig ? Jeg er ikke, proffesionel i ASP, så det skal nok skæres ud i pap ?