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Welcome to BlomSites(.dk)
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This text is random and is only to fill the page.<br/>
Faint heart never won fair lady - Proverb:<br/>
Once upon a time there was an affectionate and
passionate boy, William, who was very devoted to a
girl, who was living on the other side of the street,
and had been so for the past three years. They had
been friends as long as he could remember, but he
was too shy to ask her out. One fantastic evening they
were sitting around the crackling and hot fire, in the
clear and romantic moon glow when she suddenly
moved closer to him and placed her head on his
shoulder. She tried hard to make William realize that
she was in love too, but he was too shy to make a
move. She stood up and went home.<br/>
One day an old acquaintance of her stopped by her
house and they left. William waited and waited, it
almost seemed forever to forget about her, and he
kept thinking about what he did wrong. He was such a calm, attractive and restrained person
who would never use a girl, and then she went away with such a show-off instead of
staying with him, William thought for himself.
The point is, If William had just been a little more courageous instead of being such a
coward, then it could be him she ran off with.
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Indlæg senest redigeret d. 18.01.2009 20:40 af Bruger #14181