Du kan få width og height via
http://php.net/getimagesizeEt eksempel snuppet fra
http://php.net/Well, I am making a script which will resize the image when uploaded, however, i am making a multi-uploader, so i came across with a problem: an efficient way of getting a pictures height and width and storing them in an array to resize later. This is what i came up with:
$links = array("test1.jpg", "test2.png");
$sizearray = array();
$count = count($links);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$size = getimagesize($links[$i]);
list($width, $height) = $size;
$sizearray[$links[$i]] = array("width" => $width, "height" => $height);
// which will print out: Array ( [test1.jpg] => Array ( [width] => 300 [height] => 400 ) [test2.png] => Array ( [width] => 680 [height] => 100 ) )
Og her er et thumbnail script hvis du også skal bruge det:
# Shiege Iseng Resize Class
# 11 March 2005
# shiegegeATyahoo.com
# http://shiege.com/scripts/thumbnail/
Sample :
$thumb=new thumbnail("./shiegege.jpg"); // generate image_file, set filename to resize/resample
$thumb->size_width(100); // set width for thumbnail, or
$thumb->size_height(300); // set height for thumbnail, or
$thumb->size_auto(200); // set the biggest width or height for thumbnail
$thumb->jpeg_quality(75); // [OPTIONAL] set quality for jpeg only (0 - 100) (worst - best), default = 75
$thumb->show(); // show your thumbnail
$thumb->save("./huhu.jpg"); // save your thumbnail to file
Note :
- GD must Enabled
- Autodetect file extension (.jpg/jpeg, .png, .gif, .wbmp)
but some server can't generate .gif / .wbmp file types
- If your GD not support 'ImageCreateTrueColor' function,
change one line from 'ImageCreateTrueColor' to 'ImageCreate'
(the position in 'show' and 'save' function)
- If your GD not support 'ImageCopyResampled' function,
change 'ImageCopyResampled' to 'ImageCopyResize'
class thumbnail
var $img;
function thumbnail($imgfile)
//detect image format
if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromJPEG ($imgfile);
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromPNG ($imgfile);
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromGIF ($imgfile);
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="WBMP") {
$this->img["src"] = ImageCreateFromWBMP ($imgfile);
} else {
echo "Not Supported File";
@$this->img["lebar"] = imagesx($this->img["src"]);
@$this->img["tinggi"] = imagesy($this->img["src"]);
//default quality jpeg
function size_height($size=100)
@$this->img["lebar_thumb"] = ($this->img["tinggi_thumb"]/$this->img["tinggi"])*$this->img["lebar"];
function size_width($size=100)
@$this->img["tinggi_thumb"] = ($this->img["lebar_thumb"]/$this->img["lebar"])*$this->img["tinggi"];
function size_auto($size=100)
if ($this->img["lebar"]>=$this->img["tinggi"]) {
@$this->img["tinggi_thumb"] = ($this->img["lebar_thumb"]/$this->img["lebar"])*$this->img["tinggi"];
} else {
@$this->img["lebar_thumb"] = ($this->img["tinggi_thumb"]/$this->img["tinggi"])*$this->img["lebar"];
function jpeg_quality($quality=75)
//jpeg quality
function show()
//show thumb
@Header("Content-Type: image/".$this->img["format"]);
/* change ImageCreateTrueColor to ImageCreate if your GD not supported ImageCreateTrueColor function*/
$this->img["des"] = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->img["lebar_thumb"],$this->img["tinggi_thumb"]);
@imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"], $this->img["lebar"], $this->img["tinggi"]);
if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="WBMP") {
function save($save="")
//save thumb
if (empty($save)) $save=strtolower("./thumb.".$this->img["format"]);
/* change ImageCreateTrueColor to ImageCreate if your GD not supported ImageCreateTrueColor function*/
$this->img["des"] = ImageCreateTrueColor($this->img["lebar_thumb"],$this->img["tinggi_thumb"]);
@imagecopyresampled ($this->img["des"], $this->img["src"], 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->img["lebar_thumb"], $this->img["tinggi_thumb"], $this->img["lebar"], $this->img["tinggi"]);
if ($this->img["format"]=="JPG" || $this->img["format"]=="JPEG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="PNG") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="GIF") {
} elseif ($this->img["format"]=="WBMP") {
Indlæg senest redigeret d. 14.05.2008 14:49 af Bruger #11386