Hent noget bestemt tekst

Tags:    php

Hvis jeg for eks. har dette kode:

bla bla.. masse tekst...

vigtig tekst

bla bla... endnu mere tekst...

Så vil jeg gerne hive det tekst ud, som er mellem <!--start--> og <!--slut--> og lagt i en variabel.

Håber der er nogle som kan hjælpe :)

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Mener du sådan noget tekst?

Note: This script is for education purposes only. We do not recommend placing this on a web page viewable to the public.

These few lines of code we have given you will allow anyone to upload data to your server. Because of this, we recommend that you do not have such a simple file uploader available to the general public. Otherwise, you might find that your server is filled with junk or that your server's security has been compromised.

We hope you enjoyed learning about how to work with uploading files with PHP. In the near future we will be adding an advanced lesson that will include more security and additional features!

Sp du vil have den tekst imellem ?

Somebody's building a template system, but doesn't kno' how to search with regex. :)

Fold kodeboks ind/udKode 

Indlæg senest redigeret d. 24.04.2008 22:17 af Bruger #10216
Du kunne vellave det i en form og hente det fra en post

Mange tak Gnu, det var præsic hvad jeg søgte :)
