jeg har en javascipt kode som du måske kan bruge:
her er koden til html siden:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Move mouse over to play sound</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="player.js"></script></head>
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="play" onClick="playSound(0)">
<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="stop" onClick="stopSound(0)">
her er koden til player.js:
var aySound = new Array();
// Below: source for sound files to be preloaded
aySound[0] = "Shutdown.wav";
aySound[1] = "laser.wav";
aySound[2] = "laser.wav";
aySound[3] = "laser.wav";
aySound[4] = "laser.wav";
aySound[5] = "laser.wav";
aySound[6] = "laser.wav";
aySound[7] = "laser.wav";
aySound[8] = "laser.wav";
aySound[9] = "laser.wav";
// DO NOT edit below this line
document.write('<BGSOUND ID="auIEContainer">')
IE = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1 && document.all)? 1:0;
NS = (navigator.appName=="Netscape" && navigator.plugins["LiveAudio"])? 1:0;
ver4 = IE||NS? 1:0;
function auPreload() {
if (!ver4) return;
if (NS) auEmb = new Layer(0,window);
else {
Str = "<DIV ID='auEmb' STYLE='position:absolute;'></DIV>";
var Str = '';
for (i=0;i<aySound.length;i++)
Str += "<EMBED SRC='"+aySound[i]+"' AUTOSTART='FALSE' HIDDEN='TRUE'>"
if (IE) auEmb.innerHTML = Str;
else {;
auCon = IE? document.all.auIEContainer:auEmb;
auCon.control = auCtrl;
function auCtrl(whSound,play) {
if (IE) this.src = play? aySound[whSound]:'';
else eval("this.document.embeds[whSound]." + (play? "play()":"stop()"))
function playSound(whSound) { if (window.auCon) auCon.control(whSound,true); }
function stopSound(whSound) { if (window.auCon) auCon.control(whSound,false); }
håber du kan bruge det.
ps. jeg ved godt det er php du leder efter. så må du selv rette i det hvis der er noget der skal tilføjes.