Skrive tags til xml-fil?

Tags:    php

Hej... har ikke fået svar endnu på dette, så spørger igen. Det er på engelsk, for har skrevet i andre fora også.

hey everyone

I'm making a file, that can write news text into an xml-file. All my text for my page is in the xml-file, and the structure kind of looks like this:


I have a piece of code (using the dom-functions) and I can easily create new tags within the root-tag. The problem is, that I want to put it inside the news-tag, so I can organize it. I've tried looking around in, but can't really fiure it out. Should be easy anyway. Here is my code:


$dom = new DomDocument();

$item = $dom->createElement("item");
$overskrift = $dom->createElement("overskrift", "I am a headline");
$tekst = $dom->createElement("tekst", "I am a text");
$linebreak = $dom->createTextNode(chr(10));


What I want to do is sort of like $dom->documentElement->news->append....
But that doesn't work. Can you help me?

- Rune
