Ja hvis alt andet svigter, så læs brugsforviringen*GG*
Jeg har læst og læst, men det giver ingen mening. Der står at jeg skal uploade de forskellige filer, og plaserer UpdateR11-R12 i rod mappen, og installere den. alt det virker jo lige til, problemet er så hvordan man installere en PHP script fil...
Filen ser sådan ud...jeg ved ikke om det giver noget mening
/* #####################################################################################
* This notice must remain untouched at all times.
* Modifications to the script, except the official addons or hacks,
* without the owners permission are prohibited.
* All rights reserved to their proper authors.
* Get the latest version at
http://www.vwar.de - Copyright (C) 2001-2003
http://www.phpnuke-clan.com * Created by: XenoMorpH ¤TÐI¤
http://www.tdi-hq.com *
* #####################################################################################
// ############################### GLOBAL INSTALL VARS #################################
// Set your vwar folder here.
$themodulesfolder = "vwar";
// ##################### DON'T CHANGE ANYTING AFTER THIS LINE!!! ####################
$installversion = "1.5 R12 Hi-Wire";
$program = "1.5 R12 Hi-Wire";
$oldversion = "1.5 R11 Hi-Wire";
// ############################### GET FUNCTIONS #######################################
//$module_name = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
//$vwar_root = "modules/" . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) ."/";
$vwar_root = "modules/$themodulesfolder/";
// ############################### DEFINE TABLES #######################################
// ############################### CREATE DB OBJECT ####################################
$vwardb = new vwardb($sql["hostname"],$sql["username"],$sql["password"],$sql["database"]);
// ############################### VERSION CHECK #######################################
$result = $vwardb->query_first("SELECT vwarversion FROM vwar".$n."_settings");
// ############################### STEPS ###############################################
$step = $GPC["step"];
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {color: #FF0000}
$query8 = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM vwar".$n."_join LIKE 'nukename'") or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($query8) == 0) {/*mysql_query("ALTER TABLE vwar".$n."_join ADD nukename varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER dateline")or die('MySQL said: '.mysql_error()); */
$disp.= ''.printHeader("Update from ".$oldversion." to ".$newversion, 2).'';
$disp.= '' ?>
<table border="0" align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="tblborder">
<td class="tblhead"><img src="<?php echo $vwar_root; ?>images/arrow_r.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Error</td>
<td class="firstalt" align="center"><br />
It seems to be you did not run all patches. <br> You did not install the <a href=http://www.phpnuke-clan.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&op=getit&lid=57 target=_blank>Hi-Wire-Joinus&challenge-update</a>
<br>Please install that update, before updating to R12<p></p></td>
<?php '';
else {$disp.="";}
if ($result["vwarversion"] == $installversion)
printHeader("Update from ".$oldversion." to ".$newversion, 2);
<table border="0" align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="tblborder">
<td class="tblhead"><img src="<?php echo $vwar_root; ?>images/arrow_r.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Error</td>
<td class="firstalt" align="center"><br />
<b>You have already running Version <?php echo $installversion; ?> of Virtual War!<br><br><font color="red">Installation Aborted!</font></b><br /><br />
if ($result["vwarversion"] != $oldversion)
printHeader("Update from ".$oldversion." to ".$newversion, 2);
<table border="0" align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="tblborder">
<td class="tblhead"><img src="<?php echo $vwar_root; ?>images/arrow_r.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Error</td>
<tr class="firstalt">
<td align="center"><br /><br /><b>This Update only runs with Version <?php echo $oldversion; ?> of Virtual War installed!<br><br><font color="red">Installation Aborted!</font></b><br /><br /><br /></td>
if(!isset($step) || empty($step) && $result["vwarversion"] == $oldversion )
printHeader($program." ".$string,$usemode);
// ################################# Joindate HACK ####################################
<table border="0" align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="tblborder">
<td class="tblhead">Welcome to the <?php echo $program." ".$string; ?> Update file</td>
<td class="firstalt" align="center"> <p><b><span class="style1">
This script will update your database from<span class="style2"> R11 Hi-Wire </span> to R12 Hi-Wire</span><br>
<p>Press UPDATE to update your current R11 version!<br>
<td class="firstalt" align="center"><p>
[<a href="<?php echo $GPC["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?step=1&choice=1">UPDATE</a>]<br />
// ################################# COMPLETE ####################################
if($step == 1)
printHeader($program." ".$string,$usemode);
$vwardb->query("UPDATE vwar".$n."_settings SET vwarversion ='" . $installversion . "'");
<table border="0" align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="tblborder">
<td class="tblhead">Database Maintenance</td>
<td class="firstalt" align="center"><p><br />
<br />
<b>Updating has been completed succesfully!</b><br />
<br />
<font color="red"><b><u><font color="red"><u><b>Delete</b> the installation file ( <b><?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URL"];?></b> )!</u></font><br />
<br />
<img src="<?php echo $vwar_root; ?>images/arrow_r.gif" align="top" alt=""> <a href="modules/<?php echo $themodulesfolder; ?>/admin/index.php<? echo $update; ?>">Go to your admin area!</a> </u></b></font><br>
<br />
<br />