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Det starter skidt med den her:
Out of all the main HTML email clients Lotus Notes is by far the worst at rendering HTML. According to IBM a total of 95M people use Lotus Notes worldwide and this can make up as much as 20% of a B2B newsletter list so is therefore important in considering when designing your emails
Her er lidt mere guf:
CSS Using CSS causes a number of problems. Lotus Notes very rarely interprets the CSS anywhere near correctly and as a result your email might have font sizes of around 48pt. The solution to this is simply not to use CSS.
Anchors Named anchors that take you to another part of the email do not work in Lotus Notes. Lotus Notes will attempt to open a new window instead.
Background images Background images in table cells do not display in Lotus Notes
Det hele findes her som pdf :
http://www.emailcenteruk.com/maxenews/html_email_client_compatability.pdfI øvrigt en god guide vil jeg tro til at justere html udgivelse af nyhedsbreve, generelt

Have fun.